15th Edition (2023) Virtual Fair

15th Iran Finex (2023) Halls

Exhibition Sponsors

Hall 35
Booth No.Company NameTelephoneWebsiteProducts & Services
3502HEKMAT SABA INSURANCE41395000www.hsinsur.comProvider of various insurance services
3504Risknews02188644303https://risknews.ir/Media services
3505SANAAP84229500www.sanaap.comDigital Insurance Solutions
3506Karbalad02634054000  02635118karbaladcms.comInsurance business intelligence system
3507samaninsurance8943www.si24.irproviding all kind of insurance services
3509Iran Insurance Agents Association, Tehran Province02166976770https://asnbit.cominsurance
3510emzano02191094898 CLM
3511mellat insurance88887780www.melat.irinsurance
3512Central Insurance of I.R. IRAN24551000centinsur.irregulating, expanding, guiding insurance operations in Iran
3514parsian insurance8259 Selling all kinds of insurance policies
3515ALBORZ INSURANCE29461050 Alborz Insurance company provids superior quality Insurance services generating dirersity Insurance business and obtaining customer satisfaction.
3516Kowsar Insurance02189382kins.irinsurance
3517iraninsurance company02186711000WWW.IRANINSURANCE.IRBimeh Iran is active in all classes of life and non-life businesses
3518Pasargad Insurance88983531-2www.pasargadinsurance.irPasargad Insurance Company is a direct insurer active in non-life and life classes plus reinsurance businesses
3519Day insurance1671dayins.cominsurance
3520شرکت سهامی بیمه آسیا88900076www.bimehasia.comAsia Insurance co.is authorized to deliver all kinds of insurance covers including Life , Non_life and Reinsurance
Hall 38
Booth No.Company NameTelephoneWebsiteProducts & Services
3802ariya sarmayeh algo system09127426900livetse.irdata analysist
3803Saba Tamin Financial Group Co02158715https://sabatamin.ir/financial services
3804Nebka Investment Technologies02166050373bourseeye.comBourseEye Website and Android App
3805Ramand tech09125982920Ramandtech.comTrading platform OMS
3806KarenCrowd crowdfunding Platform02188394157www.karencrowd.comCrowdfunding Platform
3808Saramad Novin09378390325saramadnovin.comportfolio،healthnovin،stock mangement system
3809Azmoon Asa Parse Inspection & Engineering co.(AAPI)02179173000www.aapi-co.comInspection of Export and Import Goods,LCs (all currencies)
3810IDEAL CRM02174451www.crm-ideal.comCRM Software
3817Heyva AI02154787111www.heyvaai.com , www.altindata.irA fintech startup, focusing on the financial market prediction using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques.
3823Toranj Capital26231278https://toranjcapital.com/Financial Service
3824Parsian Financial Group40880562 Financial
3814-3815-3818Farabi brokerage09127273342 Farabi firm
3819-3811-3812-3813charisma financial group02145460000charisma.irbrokerage, insurance, mutual funds, exchange, trade
3822-3807Tavana Brokerage42906Tavana.netCapital Market
3825-3801Mobarakeh Steel Company02158621 Stock brokerage services
Hall 38B
Booth No.Company NameTelephoneWebsiteProducts & Services
38B03Houshmand Rabin Brokerage02141627000Rabin.irProviding all services of stock exchange, commodity and energy exchange
38B04padash021-58718www.padash.irPortfolio management of investment funds
38B05Damavand investment bank021-79637000https://damavand-ib.ir/Financing, investment
38B07DelsaCard28424070delsacard.comPayment Solutions
38B11Dariush Capital22229898https://dariusham.com/Capital market services
38B12Pasargad Bank Broker021-42392000pasargadbroker.irTrading department/ Commodity exchange/ Energy exchange/ Online trading/ International affairs
38B13Omid Investment Bank02154906www.omidib.cominvest
38B14Civil Pension Fund Investment Co. (Saba Energi)02141237000cpfic.comPetrochemical, steel, rubber adn ETC
38B16Iran Financial Center02162843000www.ifc.irCourses and Videos Courses
38B17Securities and Exchange News Agency (SENA)84084700sena.irNews Agency
38B18Iranian Association of Islamic Finance02162843116 Courses
38B19mehregan tamin pars financial group021-54708000http://mehregantamin.comInvesting in shares, company shares, investment units, funds or other securities with voting rights with the aim of gaining profit so that alone or together with controlled persons or persons controlled by the unit, control of the company, institution or investable fund is at one’s disposal. obtained or has considerable influence in it and the company, institution or investment fund (either Iranian or foreign) operates in the following field or fields: Brokerage services, trading broker and construction and operation of industrial factories for the purpose of production, marketing, sales, export, import and conversion of all petrochemicals.
38B20Tehran Securities Exchange02126741266www.tse.irSecurities Trading Platform
38B21Iran Farabourse02142150000www. Ifb. IrStock exchange
38B22Tamadon Investment Bank88171794 صندوق های سرمایه گذاری – خدمات تامین مالی – خدمات مدیریت دارایی – خدمات مشاوره مالی
38B23Nikan Capital Market Media021-41674000www.nikanresaneh.irNews and Analytical production in the field of Capital Market and Managing of sedayebourse.com website, Ettelaate BourseWeekly, Bazar-o sarmaye Monthly. , Holding Specialized Meetingd and RoadshowHolding, Financing Conferences and Events, Providing Design Services, Offering and Executing Training Subjects on Capital Market, Designing, Planning and Implementation of information and advertising packages and campaigns
38B24shahr fainancial group021-88565722sfg.irinvestment
38B25Hadaf asset management021-91004770www.ihadaf.com
38B26Pars kian Credit Rating88710150-88102175parscrc.irرتبه بندی اعتباری
38B27datam sarmaye zarrin02126373408 consulting and mentorship
38B28Iran Energy Exchange02188734827 Iran Energy Exchange is a financial institution that provides the basis for the exchange of energy carriers and securities based on it.
38B30Stock Exchange Informing And Training Company02164084000www.semedco.irCultivation, stock exchange education and information
38B31iranian institutional investors association02188349444https://iiia.ir/the Association is formed to improve the efficiency of the Securities Market, to expand professional collaboration between members and manage relationships between members of the Association in accordance with this Articles of Association. The association will devise regulations and professional and disciplinary standards in accordance with related laws to achieve good performance, professional discipline and organizing relations among members; thus, the Association pursues the following activities
38B32Securities and Exchange Brokers Association (SEBA)02184087700www.seba.irEducation, Resolving member disputes
38B33Central Securities Depository of Iran42315csdiran.irStock Exchange
Hall 40
Booth No.Company NameTelephoneWebsiteProducts & Services
4001Navaco Information Technology021-43396000www.navaco.irInformation technology product
4002Payvast  System Group83846www.payvast.comsoftware
4003farazware93112525farazware.comOpen banking services
4004Avval Mobile Office02174391000https://avvaloffice.comTelecom Services in Financial Industry
4005rasm.io02191304041rasm.ioCompany registration information
4007shatel mobile1948853814shatelmobile.irmobile telecom service provider
4008Small Industries Investment Guarantee Fund88553363sif.irThis Fund helps small industries to have a better access to finance from banks and manufacturers, via issuing credit guarantees. Moreover, it helps these enterprises via issuing different kinds of bonds, such as advance payment bond.
4009Mohaymen ICT Group02188019001 Intelligent Supervision Solution, Identity and access management, Containerized Data Center
4010Mobile Communications Company of Iran81713030www.mci.irتلکام
4011Bank Mellat82961 بانکداری تجاری
4012Tejarat Bank88809141www.tejaratbank.irMoney and banking
4013eghtesadonline88225612 رسانه
4015Payamgostar02149714Payamgostar.comCrm software
4017media group donya-e-eqtesad42710160donya-e-eqtesad.com
4018Titre kpotah88721825Titrekootah.irMedia
4019Association of Banking And Credite Investment Consultants1513915415www.abcic.irInvestment Consultant Services
4020SHAFAAF Publication02188501877www.shafaaf.irbook
4021Arta Persian paper and roll co02183332213www.aproll.irthermal paper roll
4022Industrial Management Institute22043007www.imi.irConsulting Education RESEARCH
4023shahrebours news agency09108438889shahrebours.commedia
4028BANK SADERAT IRAN۰۲۱۹۴۷۶۱Www.bsi.irBanking
Hall 41
Booth No.Company NameTelephoneWebsiteProducts & Services
4103Radman Smart Soulotions26232736https://radmanict.comManufacturer of capital market specialized software
4106Raha tejarat fara asar morakab021-75219219 Electronic payment services
4107SmartPath02141256419www.smartpath.irIntegration and Marketing of APIs
4109tsco42435000www.tsco.irManufacturer of computer, mobile and audio-visual accessories
4111Mobin Sarmayeh Brokerage1579mobinsb.irBrokerage Co
4112HaftoHashtDiba44653470 Design
4113نوآوران آوید پژوه امید02122920511https://epoll.proForm builder and electronic survey system
4114Arnika.ai021-88799243Arnika.aiPluto،Spout، Homa، Rahsaar
4115fi family02532909761www.iranbrandbook.comFinancial literacy training, financial literacy products, wealth and business management advice
4116پایگاه خبری تحلیلی خطوط22471047WWW.KHOOTOOT.IRNEWS AGENCY
4118college of management02188229901www.postmba.orgProfessional training in the management and business.
4120Sharif Financial Group02188395874www.irfinance.irEducational, research and promotional services
4122Omid Entrepreneurship Fund888888fffInvestment Fund
4123Emdad Velayat Interest Free Fund02123902768www.sqev.irInterest Free Fund
4124BARSA NOVIN RAY02143000090https://barsasoft.comCustomer order software
4125Motamed Hamrah Fanava02191080080avatsp.comTax Service Provider
4126Bank melii Iran60993803 fffff
4128High Technology Development Fund75076000htdf.irFacilities, guarantees, partnerships, venture capital, other financial services
4129Iran National Innovation Fund021-42170000www.inif.irINIF analyzes the technical, financial, managerial and marketing aspects of the applicant and also the projects of the knowledge-based companies
4130BANK KESHAVARZI88245017www.bki.irBANKING
4131post bank iran81564044www.postbank.irCurrency and Rial financial services
Hall 44-1
Booth No.Company NameTelephoneWebsiteProducts & Services
44a01MOFID Securities81901295www.emofid.comFinancial and Stock Markets Services
Hall 44-2
Booth No.Company NameTelephoneWebsiteProducts & Services
44b01Vijeh pardaz pars2166553989Mr-expert.irAssistant trade financial market & Algo trading
44b03KNTISS91304243https://ViraMiner.comDesigning and Setting-Up Digital Currency Mining Farm
44b06Omid Afarinan Fartak Investment Co88596176https://oafico.cominvestment and product Fiap
44b07dorj44998305dorj.iocrypto currency hardware wallet
44b08Tradinex02144975682 Copy trading system
44b12hesabrayanpars02187760www.hesabrayan.comDanesh Bonyan Hasab Rayan Pars, as one of the pioneers in the production of software for the private sector of the country, started its activity in 1376 and was officially registered in 1382. Currently, Rayan Account Company is one of the largest companies producing financial and administrative software that serves all organizations, including municipalities, government and non-government, and because of these services, it has won three first ranks from the Supreme Council of Informatics and various honors. has become
44b14Dadeh kavan_e Dena02126858075metraa.comFintech
44b16Dana pardaz49258000www.danapardaz.net_ CRM Software – ITSM Software – Monitoring Software
44b17work innovation eight paradise (winep)02191692146talapp.irOnline gold trading system (Talap)
44b18Sarmayeh Tejarat Goldis02166096723 Gold investment
44b19Faraz Idea Innovation Tech Investment Consultant021-42417000irfintech.comFinancing – valuation – crowdfunding – investment – portfolio management
44b20Kian Financial Group۴۰۰ ۴۷۱۸۰ 021https://kiangroup.com/faKian is a group of Iran-based regulated financial institutions offering investment banking, asset management, and securities services. With a commitment to excellence, we combine international best practice and local expertise to find and nurture value for clients.
44b21Central Iron Ore Development Company88755561www.ciodc.irFinancing & Investment
44b22IRAN MONEY WATCH Institute of Economic Studies02191691791www.iranmoneywatch.comInvestment Consultant
44b23Atisaz Bazar Securities02142179000atisazbroker.combrokrage
44b24ARMANEGHTESAD88315707https://armanamc.irfinancial industry
Open Area
Booth No.Company NameTelephoneWebsiteProducts & Services
f01tablokhani.com02191010310tablokhani.comProviding capital market financial services
f02Falamak Machine021-88535444-8www.falamakmachine.coIndustrial Cleanless Machines
f03Parsian Brokerage Co87148www.parsianbroker.comCapital Market
f04Mobarakeh Steel Company02158621 Stock brokerage services
f05Farabi Brokerage1561 Financial Services
f06MOFID Securities81901295www.emofid.comFinancial and Stock Markets Services

Fintech Stars Pavilion Startups

Company NameTelephoneEmailWebsiteProducts & Services
Asan intelligent financial system02166918648contact@asanbourse.irhttps://asanbourse.ir/Algorithmic Trading
safiran novin maad22760317ksarirafraz@gmail.com Economic and investment consulting
Dero Investment Platform26232985info@radman.appwww.radman.appInvestment platform
Finnoway02191017180info@finnoway.irfinnoway.irCloud Business Model Engine
EZInvest Wealth Managemnet Platform09109854034info@ezinvest.irezinvest.irWealth Management
COMFAR.org02128421620info@comfar.orgCOMFAR.orgFinancial and Economic Training Material
neshaschool02188352543neshaschooliran@gmail.comwww.neshaschool.comfinancial literacy